We will share some
little-known 'secrets'
with you about the
California PPO Private Patrol
Operator application
& newly-updated
2024 PPO license
exam test study.
With the theory of 'knowledge is power', you can pass this VERY HARD test!
Need your license FASTER?!
1. Application 'secrets':
--Don't send in 'letters of experience', 'commendations', or 'training certificates'.
BSIS will only accept experience documented on their 2-page BSIS 'Certificate of Experience'.
--Don't choose a business name for yourself that includes any of the words BSIS will not allow:
for example- 'Bureau', 'Enforcement', 'Task Force', 'Community', and others.
--Check the BSIS webpage 'Verify a PPO License' to determine if someone else in California
is already using the company name that you would like to use. If you choose a name that is
'confusingly similar to an existing licensee', you will get a name-denial letter after you pass your test.
BUT: if you see a name that looks like you want for yourself, click on it-- it may have expired
years ago but is still in their database-- you can probably have it if expired more than 3 years ago and nothing confusingly similar is being used. NOTE: Certain words in any chosen name are not approvable, including Community, U.S., Federal, United States, State, Bureau, Task Force, and County.
--To speed up the process, if you need to use a Qualified Manager immediately, there
are members of www.thePIgroup.com who can step in to become your 'instant QM'.
There are many men and women available, many with foreign languages if needed.
--Don't mail in the application without proof of LiveScan fingerprinting already being done.
Call 818 883-6969 for free help with your PPO application.
2. Test preparation 'secrets':
--The reason that most people fail the PPO Private Patrol Operator license
examination test: because of the questions about insurance, employees,
taxes, payroll, reporting, Penal Code, searches, sexual harassment, taxes,
Civil Code, Labor Code, Business & Professions Code, Code of Regulations,
first aid, firearms, CPR, mandatory training, business practices, vehicles,
badges, uniforms, immigration forms, overtime, and much more.
--Use the well-worded GUARANTEED PASSPPO license
16-pound 2024 study material package found at www.thePIgroup.com.
Their more than 1500 sample PPO question variants with verified correct answers,
20 Quick Quizzes,
practice tests,
and many many datasheets with photos or graphics to
help lock the info into your brain, and much more, is the key to passing.
Visit their website, or call them at 818 883-6969. More than 2000 PPOs have used their help to pass.
More than 2000 PPOs used their help to pass this test, most after failing before getting this package!
--Visit here to learn about sample test questions and GUARANTEED PASS 16-pound study material: http://www.thepigroup.com/PPO.html Read about the PPO POWER PACKAGE!
--Some test-takers are not really experienced with using a computer. The Private Patrol Operator license exam test is only available
6 days a week to be taken on computers at the designated test centers
(more than 20 in California, 10 in other states). So, have a friend give you practice help with using a keyboard and a mouse (especially the mouse's left button!).
--Have your COLOR badge & patch drawings ready for BSIS approval.
You are required to turn in accurate designs, even if you will not ever be
using badges or patches! Sample outline artwork comes with the study material listed above.
It also comes with step-by-step help to do a computerized badge design.
--Be sure not to use any employee without first having Workers' Compensation
insurance coverage. One injury incident could close your PPO business forever.
--All PPOs are now required to have an insurance policy before the license will be issued.
Study material package includes 'secrets' on how to get the required insurance at the best price.
--Learn about the newest general
California Private Patrol Operator PPO liability insurance requirements
in the 16-pound PPO Power Package: http://www.thepigroup.com/PPO.html and call818 883-6969.
Used to be 13 pounds: Now it is near 16 pounds!
Not a BS little 'download' or 'mini-book',
this PPO study is a PPO business guide too!
(Read carefully: this section secretly contains information from two Private Patrol Operator license test questions! See which words are underlined.)
We have two badges shown on this webpageas examples of what you can NOT use as a PPO Private Patrol Operator in California!
PPOs, and the security officers working for a PPO, can NOT wear these 'generic' badges. The badges of a PPO company are required to be of a design approved by BSIS and the badge MUST contain these two items:
--the name of the PPO company
--an employee-identifying number
Then who can legally use these generic badges we see at uniform stores? Only 'Proprietary Private Security Officers' can.
Note: fill-in-the-blanks artwork and samples for designing your badge & shoulder patches is included with the PPO license test study material listed above, and includes step-by-step information for free computer-design of your PPO badge. NOTE: BSIS is no longer allowing one popular shape of badge, and in Summer 2017 they began denying on popular private center seal on badge designs.
Call 818 883-6969 now for more info-- and for a few free sample PPO study questions.
There are many delays that can slow down you getting your PPO license--
we know many 'secrets' that can help you to get it .